Useful links

During the course of my travels, both real and virtual, I have found a number of useful resources. Asterisked books also provide exhaustive reading lists or links to relevant websites.


Boehm, SE (2015) The Essential Moving Guide, Essential Engagement Services, Los Angeles

Janssen, LA (2013) The Emotionally Resilient Expat: Engage, adapt and thrive across cultures, Summertime Publishing, Stamford, England*

Lemieux, D & Parker A (2013) A Mobile Life: A new approach to moving anywhere, Xpat Media, The Hague*


Bologna, C (27 June 2018) ‘What Happens to Your Mind and Body When You Feel Homesick’, Huffpost

Horne, L (co-author) (1 May 2021) ‘How to Cope with the Stress of Moving’,